Top 200 Chart Positions |
United Kingdom |
Chart Date |
Up / Down |
Place(s) |
Position |
18 October 2000 |
- - |
58 |
25 October 2000 |
119 |
167 |
Eagle Records | EAGCD 078 |
Released 09th October 2000 |
Reached Number 58 on 18th October 2000 for 1 week |
Spent 2 weeks in the charts. |
Cumulative Sales | 21,256 as of 26.01.2019 |
Physical 19,990 | DownLoad 1,072 | Streams 193 |
Sales of 3,686 to No 58 |
Sales of 1,010 to No 167 |
On the 5th February 2001 a 2 CD Tour edition was released (EDGTE078). For some reason this was registered with the UK Chart authorities under the same classification as the original CD release and so sales data was combined with it, rather than it standing alone as its own CD. |
15,065 being the original Pure CD release and 4,925 being the 2001 Tour edition. |
Singles Released from Pure |
Singles Released from Pure |
Rip |