They won't come back
You know it's always the same
And they're sure to forget
Saying, 'Everyone lies'
So I'm down to this
I'm down to walking on air
And you're here by my side
With all your waving and smiles
Please keep them away
Don't let them touch me
Please don't let them lie
Don't let them see me
Complex |
Live Performances in 2010 - 15 |
17 October 2010 |
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Orlando Firestone |
20 October 2010 |
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Washington DC, Black Cat |
21 October 2010 |
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Philadelphia, Trocadero Theatre |
22 October 2010 |
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Boston, Paradise Club |
23 October 2010 |
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New York, Best Buy Theatre |
24 October 2010 |
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Toronto Opera Theatre |
25 October 2010 |
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Pontiac, The Crofoot |
26 October 2010 |
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Chicago, the Metro |
28 October 2010 |
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Denver, Englewood Gothic Theatre |
31 October 2010 |
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Seattle Neumos's |
01 November 2010 |
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Portland, Roseland Theatre |
02 November 2010 |
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San Francisco, The Filmore |
03 November 2010 |
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Hollywood, El Rey Theatre |
04 November 2010 |
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Hollywood, El Rey Theatre |
06 November 2010 |
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Mexico City, Lunario Del Auditorio National |

Year - 1979
Single Release
Song Length - 3.14
Written by - Gary Numan |
Last Checked or Updated
12 June 2024 |