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A Prayer For The Unborn / Splinter | 2024


A Prayer For The Unborn / Splinter AA Release
Record Details -
Country - United States of America Highest Chart Position - N/A
Label - Numan Music Cover Type - Picture Sleeve
Catalogue No - NM 1000 Number Issued - 1,000 Numbered
Date Released - 12 February 2024 Barcode - N/A
Format - 7" Vinyl, 45 rpm, Stereo Release Type - Live Release
Vinyl Colour & Weight - Red/Cream/Black, 52 grams Rights Society - N/A
Images -
Gary Numan 1,000 live appearance 7 Inch Single Gary Numan 1,000 live appearance 7 Inch Single Gary Numan 1,000 live appearance 7 Inch Single Gary Numan 1,000 live appearance 7 Inch Single  
Front Sleeve Rear Sleeve Side A Side B  
Tracklist -
A - 1. A Prayer For The Unborn 6.15  
AA - 1. Splinter 5.31  
Manufacturing -
Recorded at N/A  
Mastered by N/A  
Metalwork by N/A  
Pressed by GZ Media  
Sleeve Printing by N/A  
Matrix Details - (S) Stamped (H) Hand Scribed
Variation #1
Side A -
Side B -
Notes -
Recorded live on the 15th April 2023 at the Electric Ballroom, London, UK which was Gary Numan's 1,000th live performance.
1,000 available, 200 were for sale on Gary's USA store. 20 available on each of the tour nights during February/March/April

Credits -  
Gary Numan - Vocals
Steve Harris - Guitar
Tim Slade - Bass
Jimmy Lucido - Drums
David Brooks - Keyboards
Mixed By - Ade fenton
Mastered By - Matt Colton
Sleeve Design By - Glenn Fryatt
Photographs By - Eva Ettegard

Last Checked or Updated

16 February 2024

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Tubeway Army / Gary Numan Discography with Information Archive | 2007 - 2024