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Down In The Park / Metal AA Release - 2024


Down In The Park
Record Details -
Country - United Kingdom Highest Chart Position - N/A
Label - Numan Music Cover Type - Picture Sleeve
Catalogue No - NM 1001 Number Issued - 2,000
Date Released - 17th May 2024 Barcode - None
Format - 7" Vinyl, 45 rpm, Stereo Release Type - Live Single
Vinyl Colour & Weight - Green/blue/yellow 52 grams Rights Society - N/A
Images -
Tubeway Army Down In The Park 7" Front Sleeve Tubeway Army Down In The Park 7" Rear Sleeve Tubeway Army Down In The Park 7" Vinyl Side 1 Tubeway Army Down In The Park 7" Vinyl Side 2  
Front Sleeve Rear Sleeve Side A Side B  
Tracklist -
A - 1. Down In The Park (live) 5.24  
AA - 1. Metal (live) 4.45  
Manufacturing -
Recorded at The Roundhouse, London, 25th October 2019  
Mastered by Chris McCormack @ Blacklisted Mastering  
Metalwork by N/A  
Pressed by GZ Media  
Sleeve Printing by N/A  
Matrix Details - (S) Stamped (H) Hand Scribed
Variation #1
Side A - (S) 280524H1/A
Side B - (S) 280542H2/B
Notes -
2,000 available. Sold each night at each venue. Signed and Unsigned.
Due to a printing error the recording date is incorrectly shown as the 26th October 2019, it should read the 25th


Credits -  
Gary Numan - Vocals
Richard Beasley - Drums
Tim Slade - Bass
Steve Harris - Guitar
David Brooks - Keyboards
Produced By -  
Engineered By -  
Mixed at -  
Mixed By -  

Last Checked or Updated

25 May 2024

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Tubeway Army / Gary Numan Discography with Information Archive | 2007 - 2024